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Pregnancy Massage


A lot of people have asked me what pregnancy massage is and how is it different from a regular massage. I have found the most difficult task in answering this question

is where to start!


 While a woman is pregnant her body undergoes numerous changes physically as well as physiologically and spiritually. The physical changes can cause stress and or

discomfort to the mother. Massage is a wonderful way to help alleviate many of these discomforts, as well as promotes a sense of wellness.


Benefits that a mother may experience:


• Reduces swelling in hands, feet and ankles


• Lessens sciatic pain


• Eases muscular discomforts in areas like the low back & neck, calf cramps, it also helps with tension and tightening that can be experienced throughout the body


• Tones lose muscles, relaxes tense muscles and

can help increase flexibility.


• Helps with relaxation which in turn can decrease insomnia


• Increases blood and lymph flow which can help increase the elimination of toxins through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, this can also help with fatigue.


• Increases oxygen in the blood,

sometimes on up to 10-15% after a massage.


• Strengthens the immune system


• Stimulates the release of endorphins,

the body's natural pain killers, into the brain and


• Helps relieve anxiety or depression


• Helps increase blood circulation,

which in turn delivers more oxygen and nutrients

to the mother and baby.


• Can be used during the birth as well as after

making both experiences easier and more comfortable


• Eases stress mothers often feel after the birth.


We have the correct setting and table for pregnancy massage with specialized cushions.


This massage is perfect to reduce pain and reduce stress on your mind and body during the process of pregnancy.


We also offer special reflexology for pregnant women, which induce delivery and reduce the delivery time.





"I came here for all my prenatal massage with Kusai and came in at the end of my pregnancy for reflexology. I had the reflexology treatment on a Tuesday and went

 into labor on Wednesday. I will definitely return for my next pregnancy, and I continue to come in for regular treatments" N. G.