Kitcho Neurofunctional & advanced Acupuncture
This treatment is designed following the tenets of best evidence practice (evidence-based medicine),
and the topics of the curriculum include
the latest contemporary scientific medical knowledge
about the treatment of pain and dysfunction
using neurofunctional acupuncture and electro acupuncture.
Contemporary Acupuncture aims to bridge the
gap between classical acupuncture therapy
and contemporary medicine to achieve their ultimate integration.
Quite often you will see this technique referred to as, Neurofunctional Acupuncture because it is
rooted on current concepts of
neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and pathophysiology.
Its primary benefit is to restore proper function of the nervous system by either the up-regulation
or down-regulation of specific cellular functions.
To put it simply, if the nervous system is hyper-active
as seen in stress and chronic pain cases
or hypo-active as seen in muscle inhibition
and weakness, we need to bring it back to normal,
optimal level of function by either turning it down or
turning it up respectively. Essentially, we are
adjusting the "dimmer" switch you would use
in a home for controlling the level of light output.
It involves a comfortable insertion of small
solid single-use disposable needles at relevant
points on the body in combination with manual needle stimulation or electrical stimulation.
Our practitioners have completed the Contemporary Acupuncture program, which focuses on the science
based application of acupuncture.
Neurofunctional Acupuncture Helps with
• Sports related injuries & movement disorders
• Musculoskeletal pain problems
• Chronic pain
• Digestive Disorders
• Menstrual & Reproductive Problems
• Urinary tract disorders
• Addictions & Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
• Respiratory problems