Detoxification Treatments
Symptoms of Toxicity
How do you know whether or not you are harboring toxins in your body? Since toxins
are an unavoidable part of modern life, you can be sure that you have toxins in you
right now.
Toxins affect our bodies in a variety of ways. Since many of the symptoms of toxicity are
mild or irritating, they may be dismissed as due to an "off" day. But toxic symptoms persist,
making us feel drained, and generally unwell.
Symptoms typical of toxins include:
• lack of energy
• excess weight
• skin conditions like acne
• food sensitivities or increased allergic reactions
• congestion
• bloating
• constipation
• aching muscles and joints
• headachespoor memory or concentration
• moodiness or mood swings
• a general sense of not feeling healthy
At Kitcho center, we use two types of programs
to get rid of your toxins:
1) Far infrared sauna with light therapy.
2) Foot detox spa sessions.
We can put a psecial program with special price
to get you in shape again. We had great results
with many clients. Visit us to get more details about our offers.
Detox Therapy
• Far infrared sauna with light therapy
• Foot detox